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Community impact partner: All-In Milwaukee

This spring, All-In Milwaukee (AIM) will celebrate its very first class of graduates, six of whom are also College Possible Wisconsin scholars. Ninety-three percent of the students in All-In Milwaukee’s first class will graduate college in four or five years. All six of the College Possible graduates are completing college in four years with no student loan debt. All-In Milwaukee has a 91 percent persistence rate through college and 90 percent of AIM scholars have no student debt, thanks to the scholarships they provide and the university packages they have negotiated.

All-In Milwaukee and College Possible Wisconsin have worked hand in hand since AIM was first established in 2018. Together, we’re helping scholars get to and through college. In recognition of All-In Milwaukee’s ongoing support, care, and commitment to 415 Milwaukee students from underrepresented backgrounds, we are pleased to award them as our Community Impact Partner of the Year at Dream Big Dinner.

Each year, All-In Milwaukee supports the college education of hundreds of limited-income, diverse Milwaukee students with maximized financial aid, customized advising, and career development placement support. Not only does AIM ensure students get through college, but the program also ensures they are workforce ready with the skills, experiences, and network to succeed in the Milwaukee workforce after graduation. The program has a three-pronged approach of providing scholarships, advising, and career development to students. Ninety-five percent of the first class of graduates are staying in Wisconsin to start their careers and All-In Milwaukee is committed to keeping diverse talent in our state.

Students in the AlM program receive up to six years of advising starting their senior year of high school through college graduation. Advisors support students with their academic, social, financial, and career needs. The program also builds community at the universities with cohorts of students attending workshops, events, and socials together. In addition, students receive a renewable scholarship of up to four years. As students near graduation, AIM provides them with career development and placement to ensure they enter the workforce upon graduating college. 27 College Possible Wisconsin scholars are currently being supported by AIM. Six inaugural scholars, Maria, Maya, Mohamed, Andrew, Pa Cha, and Kong Pheng will graduate this spring.

“The partnership between All-In Milwaukee and College Possible Wisconsin has amplified the success of our scholars who are determined to achieve their college degree. College Possible Wisconsin serves as a pipeline to AIM for scholars to have opportunities that will allow them to not only get over the burden of financial support but also connect them with mentors, internships and career exploration that are vital to their success upon graduation,” says College Possible Wisconsin Executive Director, Marco Morrison. “As partners, we have an aligned mission to get our scholars to and through college completion. We understand that career pathway opportunities are what will ultimately assist in closing the generational wealth divide. This can only be accomplished when organizations like College Possible and All-In Milwaukee work together to provide a holistic approach to serving scholars in our city.” 

This support is not only crucial to students but also to Wisconsin’s workforce. AIM is working to improve the college completion rate across Milwaukee and in turn, grow Wisconsin’s diverse talent and workforce pipeline. College Possible Milwaukee and AIM have always aligned in this mission. Their hope is that a more diverse talent pipeline will in turn lead to sustained regional economic development. They envision a vibrant Milwaukee with diverse leadership throughout the city.

College Possible Wisconsin is excited to honor All-In Milwaukee at Dream Big Dinner as the Community Impact Partner of the Year for their strong partnership in supporting Wisconsin scholars from underserved backgrounds. Watch the livestream event on Thursday, April 20 at 6:30 pm!

Learn more about Dream Big Dinner.

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