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Ramkumar (Ram) Ramanan is an Assurance Partner in Ernst & Young LLP (EY), based in Chicago. Ram has 19 years of public accounting experience serving large and medium-size publicly held and privately owned companies and fast growth companies in software/technology, healthcare, business services, consumer products and industrial products. He also serves as the Strategic Growth Markets Leader responsible for the EY’s middle market business in Illinois.

Ram has extensive experience with initial and secondary public offerings, debt offerings, private equity portfolio company audits, acquisitions including purchase accounting and post-integration accounting policy alignment, and consulting with clients on new accounting pronouncements, SEC accounting matters and SEC comment letters. He has significant experience advising clients on complex revenue recognition matters including software accounting and multiple element arrangements, accounting for equity and debt securities, and implementation of internal controls and compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Ram is actively involved in EY’s diversity and inclusion initiatives. He is a co-sponsor of EY’s America’s steering committee for the Pan-Asian Professional Network (PAPN) and the executive sponsor for PAPN in EY Chicago.

In addition to these many accomplishments, Ram is also active in the community and serves on the Chicago board of College Possible, a not-for-profit organization focused on making college admission and success possible for low-income students through an intensive curriculum of coaching and support.

Ram was born in India, where he earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree and the Chartered Accountant qualification. Prior to moving to Chicago, where he became an Illinois-licensed Certified Public Accountant, Ram worked at EY Singapore for six years.

Outside of work, Ram enjoys spending time with his wife and his ten- and six-year old sons. He enjoys playing golf, reading and traveling.

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