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Meet Gao Nou Xiong. She is a first-generation college student who achieved a key milestone by completing her bachelor’s degree at St. Cloud State University. Gao Nou joined College Possible as a college success coach in 2023 and transitioned to an advising specialist after her year of service. In this role, she is dedicated to supporting marginalized students in higher education.

Obtaining her bachelor’s degree was a significant milestone in Gao Nou’s life, given that her parents came to the U.S. as immigrants. This accomplishment reflects her determination and resilience as a first-generation college student and fuels her dedication to helping students from underrepresented backgrounds navigate their educational journeys.

Gao Nou’s commitment to diversity and inclusion drives her work in mentoring and guiding students toward academic success. She strives to create an inclusive and equitable environment where all students feel supported and valued. With a passion for empowering underrepresented communities, Gao Nou uses her skills and experience to foster positive change.

Outside of her professional life, Gao Nou enjoys spending time with family, playing volleyball, binge watching TV shows, anime, and Korean drama, and hiking or walking along scenic routes.

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