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Dafne Rojas is an Senior Program Manager for Success. She was a first generation student in the program throughout high school and college, and served as an AmeriCorps Success coach. She studied Public Relations with a minor in Leadership of Communities and Nonprofits at the University of North Texas. Her professional background centers around educational equity, community care, and social work. She spent a year serving as an AmeriCorps City Year Coach on a middle school campus in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Before joining College Possible, Dafne worked at the SAFE Alliance as a Behavior and Education Specialist in a residential school for youths and families in emergency shelters in Austin, TX. She is passionate about trauma informed care and access to education.

Outside of work, Dafne is an avid book reader and gamer. She takes a lot of pride for her culture, identity, and family. Adventuring with her dog is one of her favorite pass times.

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