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Texas student spotlight: Dhiraj Adhikari

Today’s student spotlight is on author, Dhiraj Adhikari. In Dhiraj’s book, Tangled Life, he explores “struggle, joy, fun, tears, laughter, and success in life” and the idea that “we all must appreciate what we have in our life, we all deal with some kind of struggle”.  We explored these themes and his College Forward experience in this interview.

Tangled Life by Dhiraj Adhikari


Q: What was your proudest accomplishment this year?

My proudest accomplishment this year was when I was able to publish my book.


Q: How has College Forward impacted your college experience? 

College forward has impacted my college experience in preparation for what’s coming.


Q: What do you wish you had known before entering college?

I wish I had known a little more about the way that classes and breaks would work because it took some time for me to figure out how to manage my time in the beginning.


Q: What are some unexpected challenges you’ve experienced during college? 

Being a tennis player and missing classes forces me to study on my own, so that was something unexpected which challenged me here at college.


Q: What is the best advice you ever received? 

The best advice I ever received was to keep moving forward.


Q: When did you decide that you wanted to write your book, Tangled Life? And what were the inspirations behind it?

I decided to write my book in high school but stopped later. Then once again after my freshman year at college, I was working on it to get it published. It is called Tangled Life, because of the way my life has been growing up in Nepal to experiencing life here in the U.S.

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