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Student spotlight: Bryan Nya

Born in Cameroon, Africa and raised in Austin, Bryan Nya is currently a sophomore at Huston -Tillotson University’s Adult Degree Program majoring in Education with a focus in EC-6th grade.

He sees himself as a leader in his community because he defies stereotypical views. When he is not in school, studying, or working, he likes to spend his time catching up on his sleep or eating exotic foods.

He seeks ways to find answers to political, educational, social, and economic equality and rights in order to eliminate discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of young adults who are low income and underprivileged such as himself. In this article, we explore his experiences as a non-conventional student and words he lives by.


Q: What was your proudest accomplishment this year?

My proudest accomplishments this year were testifying at the Capitol (86th Legislative Session), and getting a place on YI Youth Advisory Board & City of Austin College Student Commission.


Q: How has College Forward impacted your college experience?

College Forward has been like my inner clock, constantly keeping me reminded of important dates like FAFSA.


Q: What do you wish you knew before entering college?

That it is okay to start your journey at a community college (ACC). Community colleges are cheap, convenient, and offer more/if not better student aid in terms of transportation, child care, student life, etc.


Q: What are some unexpected challenges you’ve experienced during college?

One unexpected challenge was being DENIED financial aid and having to change my degree.


Q: What is the best advice you ever received?

“Never forget yesterday, But always live for today. You never know what tomorrow can bring. or what it can take away.”


Q: What are your post-graduation goals?  

GRAD  SCHOOL!!!! I am not stopping until I hold a (PhD, MD, etc… some kind or Doctorate before my name).


Q: Do you have any mentors? If yes, what advice would you give to our high school students about getting a mentor?

(Mirror on the Wall) I have no mentors because I look to myself for motivation and guidance. If you feel like you need a mentor then please get one. MENTAL HEALTH is very important and college can take a toll on your mental health.


Q: What is a quote that you live by? 

“I am not anxious to be the loudest voice or the most popular. But I would like to think that at a crucial moment, I was an effective voice of the voiceless, an effective hope of the hopeless.”

— Whitney Young

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