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Meet Ka Ying

Ka Ying is a College Possible student passionate about fashion design and service.

Ka Ying with models wearing designs from her “Chic Chica” collection
Photo Credit Bryan Humphrey

As a freshman at the University of Minnesota, Ka Ying discovered that her love of sketching and making clothes could be her career. Now, in her senior year, she’s had the opportunity to share her designs with the world in fashion shows.

“I really want to create design that speaks for the people who are not being shown at a fashion show,” said Ka Ying. “People like me.”

Through volunteering in student clubs and on service trips, Ka Ying also found a passion for serving others. She is inspired to help those in need by her family and hopes to one day start a nonprofit to support orphaned children in Thailand.

“Both my dad and my grandma were in an orphanage and so their life experience really makes me want to help the young people and teens who have no homes and no families,” said Ka Ying. “It’s about helping the future.”

Throughout her college journey, College Possible has been with Ka Ying to help her navigate the higher education system as she discovered her passions and goals for the future. This year, her coach Sierra has supported Ka Ying in a variety of ways — everything from reminding her of deadlines to attending her senior fashion show.

“I’m just really amazed at the amount of support that College Possible has given me throughout my whole college experience,” said Ka Ying. “Having Sierra there just keeps reminding me that if I need help, there will always be someone there.”

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