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Honoring this year’s exemplary AmeriCorps members

Every year, College Possible Minnesota recognizes and celebrates two AmeriCorps members who’ve gone above and beyond to demonstrate their commitment to College Possible’s core values through their work and dedication to our mission and their service to the community. AmeriCorps and College Possible leadership team members selected one first-year coach and one second-year coach to be recognized for their outstanding work this year.

We are thrilled to announce this year’s recipients of the College Possible Minnesota AmeriCorps Member of the Year Award: Landry Forrest and Molly Schwartz. Here’s why their peers selected them for this prestigious honor.

Celebrating Landry’s second year of service to College Possible students

“Landry is the ultimate coach and teammate! She is always game for a new challenge or project, is constantly thinking of ways to improve College Possible, and is such an amazing support to the students she serves. Landry has also staffed six Metro Visit Days in the last two years – more than any coach and most staff. Nobody deserves AmeriCorps of the Year more than Landry.”

“Landry is not only devoted to students and invested in their success, but she also cares deeply about the AmeriCorps program and her fellow members. She holds a position on the InterCorps Council of Minnesota (ICC) and has helped me throughout the year with alumni council details and plans. She’s always available to help with anything and actively works to be the best mentor she can be.”

“Landry always brings an abundance of energy and investment both to College Possible students and her coworkers. Her involvement with ICC shows how invested she is in the well-being of her fellow coaches and to supporting others.”

“Landry has been an amazing second year coach! She has worked so hard to make the College Possible space warm, fun, and exciting for us new coaches. I can tell she also puts in a ton of hard work with the students she supports. She is a strong advocate and amazing guide for them, helping them with anything they need! She has also taken on a lot of extra roles in the office. From helping with meetings and supporting planning for our coach retreat, to joining the ICC and passing along information to us from them. Landry is all around an extremely knowledgeable and helpful coach who embodies College Possible values. I have no doubts that she will do amazing things in her future to help make the world a better place!”

“Landry has shown growth in her role as a college coach by supporting new coaches, taking on additional tasks and projects, and supporting students.”

“Landry is exceptionally knowledgeable, intelligent, and equipped for her role. She has given me deep insight into often overlooked institutions like St. Catherine University. And she has taken up leadership opportunities within the ICC.”

“Landry has done a remarkable job stepping forward as a leader among AmeriCorps members this year. She has revitalized the ICC and has been an active advocate for service member needs. She also has been a great mentor for new coaches, being constantly open to providing advice or an ear for those who need someone to talk to. She has been an invaluable member of our team and our program would not have thrived without her!”

“Landry has been thoughtful, present and welcoming, and has gone above and beyond!”

“Landry is an excellent leader and committed to putting forth her best, while bringing others up with her. She constantly lends a helping hand to first-year coaches, is a leader on the ICC and is a kind, welcoming face. She represents AmeriCorps and College Possible very well.”

Congratulating Molly on an impactful AmeriCorps service year

“In discussions involving collective practices, Molly consistently demonstrates a willingness to voice her thoughts, opinions, and insights, particularly regarding the education sector. She shows a keen understanding of cultural differences, barriers, and challenges faced by the population we serve. Molly strives to empathize with them and aligns her actions with the mission and values of College Possible, seeking to provide meaningful support wherever possible.”

“Molly has been such a great addition and leader to our organization and Flagship team. She asks the hard questions that are essential to helping students and other coaches move forward in their work towards college access and success. Molly has facilitated exceptional professional development training for coaches that have been instrumental in the daily work our coaches do. In addition to her tremendous work ethic and role as a college access coach, she is also a reliable leader and colleague to other access coaches. She creates a positive environment and strives to make sure every coach feels included in every Friday space they are a part of.”

“Molly is a caring and great coach. She has done great work and I know that the students she serves appreciate her.”

“Dedicated to students, going above and beyond to improve support for all of them.”

If committing to a year of AmeriCorps service at College Possible to help empower the dreams of students in your community sounds like time well spent, explore our open positions today!

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