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Erica takes flight: From insecure kid to published author

Erica Henderson was once a super shy high schooler. Even simple conversations felt overwhelming, making her college dreams seem like a distant fantasy. But in 2003, when College Possible launched in Del Valle High School, she became part of the first cohort. The program opened her eyes to a world where college wasn’t just for a select few.

Being a first-generation student with a single mom brought challenges. College Possible, a guiding light, helped her navigate applications, financial aid, and any obstacle that she encountered. Her coaches, Amir and Jenny Beth, were her cheerleaders.

Finding her voice

Even before Erica discovered her love for writing, she craved a way to express herself. Talking to people, making connections—these were hurdles that caused her immense anxiety. Throughout high school, she found creative outlets in both dance classes and writing. The physicality and freedom of movement in dance offered a chance to communicate beyond words. Writing provided a space to explore her inner world, thoughts, and experiences. This desire to express herself, though, ran deeper than just physical movement or written words. There was a yearning to share her whole being.

College Possible wasn’t just about getting Erica to college; it was about helping her discover her voice and bravery. From getting on the wrong bus to juggling three jobs, she faced challenges that eventually made her stronger and more driven.  By embracing dance and writing she truly found a way to share who she was. Erica majored in dance and minored in English-Creative Writing at the University of Houston, graduating in 2013. 

This journey of self-discovery continued post-graduation, and Erica’s love for words led to her first published work, a poem inspired by Dr. Maya Angelou. Since then, she’s written a children’s book, Acire’s Journey to Forgiveness Mountain.

Her book tackles the concepts of understanding, acceptance and moving on. Erica says, “Everything we’ve experienced has gathered in a nucleus; it’s how we’re guided in this world. We need to practice forgiveness to more wholly understand and heal our true selves along the way.” Her book sends a reminder that letting go is important for everyone.

Erica’s story highlights the power of College Possible. It’s more than college access; it’s unlocking potential. Erica says College Possible Texas supporters, “are opening their eyes to the possibilities of themselves,” by breathing confidence into young adults and empowering them to take flight!

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