We are pleased to announce that Bloomberg Philanthropies has signed a new three-year commitment to support and fund College Possible’s CollegePoint program! Currently wrapping up its fifth year, CollegePoint provides virtual advising that helps high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds apply and enroll in top-performing colleges.
CollegePoint was launched in 2014 by Bloomberg Philanthropies and America Achieves with College Possible as a founding partner. Since then, our CollegePoint program has grown from eight AmeriCorps members serving 225 students, to over 7,000 student across the U.S., supported by 26 AmeriCorps members located in Portland and St. Paul. Our CollegePoint coaches connect with students in whatever way best fits their needs, including video conferencing, phone calls, email, texting and social media.
“We’re excited for this promising next chapter,” said College Possible’s CollegePoint Program Manager, Emily Stacken. “It gives us the opportunity to continue to serve students and address undermatching related to college choice.”
The initiative has shown promising early results, and we are proud to continue this partnership through the 2021-22 school year.