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College Possible Wisconsin’s 2030 Vision Supported by Green Bay Packers Foundation Grant

Five Men Smiling Holding A Green Bay Packers Foundation Check

College Possible Wisconsin is honored to be among the ten nonprofit organizations receiving an impact grant this year from the Green Bay Packers Foundation. Empowered by this support, College Possible Wisconsin is determined to maximize its statewide impact through the launch of the Getting to Graduation campaign.

The Getting to Graduation Campaign is a cornerstone of our 2030 Vision, aiming to raise $2 million from individual donors over the next five years to support more students in persisting through college. This strategic initiative addresses a critical educational disparity: while students from low-income backgrounds, students of color, and first-generation college students represent the fastest-growing demographic at Wisconsin’s institutions, they face systemic barriers that hinder degree completion. A college degree remains the surest path out of poverty and toward social and economic advancement. An increase in college graduates means better individual lives, more-vibrant communities, and a stronger Wisconsin. College Possible students have the power to end generational poverty.

By investing in educational equity, College Possible Wisconsin strives to make a direct impact on individual lives and strengthen communities across the state, reflecting the Green Bay Packers Foundation’s commitment to meaningful community-driven support. Milwaukee’s college enrollment rate is below 50%, and only 21% of Wisconsinites over age 25 hold a bachelor’s degree. These figures highlight the urgent need for support. Through this campaign, College Possible Wisconsin aims to achieve a six-year bachelor’s degree attainment rate of 65% for its students, aligning closely with the national average for students from high-income backgrounds.

College Possible Wisconsin’s approach is grounded in 20 years of proven success, focusing on asset-based coaching that affirms students’ unique strengths and identities. The grant will enable College Possible to enhance its program by hiring seven additional full-time College Advising Specialists, increasing on-campus coaching, and expanding emergency funds to support students through graduation. These enhancements are designed to mitigate the hidden social and financial barriers that disproportionately affect students from under-invested communities, including cultural isolation and financial pressures.

College Possible Wisconsin is grateful to the Green Bay Packers Foundation for their investment in Wisconsin. Together, we will close the college degree divide.

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