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College Possible Omaha students awarded nearly $4 million in scholarships

Candid Photo Of Coach Chase Sitting At A Table Talking With A Student About Scholarship Options.

In an inspiring achievement, 75 high school seniors participating in College Possible Omaha programming have been awarded a staggering $3,926,536 in scholarships to assist with their college expenses. Out of the 156 seniors in the program, nearly half have secured substantial financial support. According to the national average, first-time undergraduate students receive about $14,890 in scholarships annually. (Education Data Initiative, 2024). This year, College Possible students received an average scholarship award amount of $52,353 per student. Notably, one student was awarded a total of $161,156 and six other students were awarded over $100,000 in scholarship money.

College Possible’s commitment to student success

At College Possible, our mission goes beyond simply preparing students for college admission; we are deeply committed to helping them finance their education so they can graduate with little to no debt. This commitment is reflected in the remarkable scholarship awards College Possible students have received this year, allowing them to focus on their studies and future careers without the burden of financial stress.

Central to this success are our dedicated coaches, who play an invaluable role in guiding students through the often complex and daunting process of securing financial aid. Our coaches are more than just advisors; they are mentors, cheerleaders, and strategic partners in each student’s journey.

Coaches work closely with students to identify scholarships that align with their academic achievements, career aspirations, and personal backgrounds. They provide personalized support by:

Creating detailed scholarship spreadsheets

Coaches compile comprehensive lists of scholarship opportunities. These spreadsheets include crucial details such as eligibility requirements, application deadlines, and award amounts, ensuring that students have all the information they need to apply successfully.

College application assistance

From brainstorming essay topics to reviewing drafts and completing forms, coaches offer hands-on support throughout the application process.

Student emotional and moral support

Applying for scholarships can be stressful. Coaches provide encouragement and reassurance, helping students stay motivated and confident in their abilities.

Notable scholarship awards

This year, several significant scholarships have been awarded to College Possible students, providing not only financial relief but also comprehensive support systems to ensure their success throughout college.

Dell Scholarship

Four students have been awarded the Dell Scholarship, which provides each recipient with a $20,000 scholarship. This award also includes personalized support for academic, financial, and emotional challenges, a Dell laptop with a four-year warranty, annual book credits, access to teletherapy, and discounted or free legal, financial, health, and personal support. Additionally, recipients receive ongoing career advisement to build professional networks and develop essential skills for the future. This year’s four recipients join the three College Possible Omaha students who were awarded the scholarship last year, marking a consistent recognition of students in our program by the Dell Scholars Program.

Susan Thompson Buffett Scholarship

The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation has awarded 46 scholarships to College Possible students this year, an increase from 38 awards last year. This scholarship covers various parts of the cost of attendance at eligible Nebraska public colleges, including tuition, fees, books, room and board, personal expenses, and transportation.

Goodrich Scholarship

Fifteen students have received the Goodrich Scholarship this year, up from 11 last year. This scholarship provides financial aid for tuition and general fees and includes a unique two-year writing-intensive in humanities and social sciences core curriculum. The curriculum emphasizes cultural and intellectual diversity, preparing students to engage with local and global communities. The Goodrich Scholarship also offers extensive academic and non-academic support services to ensure student success.

Horatio Alger Scholarship

Three students from the College Possible program have been awarded the Horatio Alger Scholarship, which grants $10,000 to each recipient. Notably, these students represent one-third of all recipients from Omaha.

These scholarships represent more than just financial awards; they are investments in the futures of College Possible Omaha students. By alleviating the financial burdens of college, these scholarships enable students to focus on their education, engage in enriching extracurricular activities, and graduate with the skills and experience needed to succeed in their careers and communities.

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