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College Possible Omaha student has sweet dreams for a future culinary business

Student Eh Eh Standing Outside In Front Of Baxter Arena In Her High School Cap And Gown Holding Flowers And Her Diploma After Graduation.

Rising college freshman Eh Eh has always dreamed of a life in the countryside, owning a bakery with fusions from all around the world. In the fall, Eh Eh will be attending Metropolitan Community College, where she will begin her studies in culinary arts and business. Having never baked before, she has a lot to learn, but that won’t stop her. Eh Eh has a love for learning, whether it be about a new subject or talking to new people to learn more about them – she is passionate about expanding her knowledge.

For Eh Eh, college has always been a dream she held close to her heart. Encouraged by her family, she saw it as a significant opportunity for personal and intellectual growth. “I’ve always known I wanted to go to college,” Eh Eh explains. “It’s a chance to gain wisdom and knowledge that will shape my future.”

Eh Eh’s commitment to her educational journey was reinforced by the support she received from College Possible Omaha. Joining as a junior, Eh Eh found guidance and assistance through her coaches, and found the assistance she received from coach Dorothy during her senior year to be most valuable. Together, Dorothy and Eh Eh tackled the complexities of college applications, scholarships, and financial aid, ensuring that Eh Eh’s dreams could become a reality. “Having someone like Dorothy by my side has been so helpful, especially considering English is not my first language,” she says.

Metropolitan Community College is the starting point for Eh Eh’s culinary aspirations, driven by her deep love for cooking. Combining her passion for business with her interest in culinary arts, Eh Eh envisions a future where she can travel the world, learn different culinary techniques, and ultimately open her own bakery.

With an eye toward the future, Eh Eh plans to transfer to the University of Nebraska Omaha to continue her education in business after completing her coursework in culinary arts at Metropolitan Community College. This transition will provide her with the tools and knowledge necessary to build a successful bakery that showcases her culinary skills.

Reflecting on her journey thus far, Eh Eh expresses deep gratitude for College Possible and the support she has received. “I’m incredibly thankful for College Possible and my coach,” she expresses. Within the College Possible community, Eh Eh has found a network of students who uplift and encourage one another. They provide a strong support system, inspiring each other to strive for their dreams and overcome any obstacles they may face.

As Eh Eh embarks on her college journey at Metropolitan Community College, she carries with her a profound sense of determination and gratitude. Her dream of owning a bakery in the countryside and blending flavors from around the world fuels her commitment to education. While she may be a novice in the world of baking, Eh Eh’s love for learning and her commitment to personal growth will undoubtedly propel her forward.

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