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Celebrating College Possible Minnesota high school juniors and seniors

On Saturday, May 6, 2023, College Possible Minnesota gathered in person for the first time since 2019 to celebrate high school juniors and graduating high school seniors participating in our program. Over 150 College Possible students from over 20 high schools across the Twin Cities metro area attended Launch! – an event celebrating their successes. Students were joined by over 60 family members and friends to close out the 2022-23 academic year. Launch! is an important opportunity for our College Possible Minnesota students, coaches, and staff to come together as a community and celebrate their accomplishments from the academic year. The mission of College Possible is not only to get students into college, but also through college to earn a degree.

For the past decade, Launch! has served as a community gathering aimed to “Inspire, Equip, Celebrate, and Have Fun.” Students are invited to socialize and celebrate with others in the program, with hopes that they’ll leave the event knowing how College Possible will continue to support them through the summer and the next school year.

This event consists of two parts: A program offered to all student and parent attendees, followed by breakout rooms. The morning program is a chance for everyone to come together to celebrate the past year, to elevate student voices through student speakers, and for students to win fun prizes. Students are then invited to join breakout rooms based on their plans for the fall. Juniors came together for a college application workshop and admissions panel. Seniors broke off into groups based on their plans for fall 2023 to hear from our college program staff, meet peers attending the same or similar institutions, and ask questions of a current college student panel.

“I liked the breakout room and how they explained our next steps in the program and how that will look.” – Saran, senior at Patrick Henry High School

“I loved hearing the speeches from the junior and senior students who went up on stage. I heard stories that were inspirational.” – Ethan, junior at Spring Lake Park High School

Do you want to support student programming and events like Launch!? Make your gift today to ensure College Possible is always free for students and their families!

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