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Catherine shares her post grad goals

My college transition was abrupt, and having someone from College Forward (now College Possible Texas) checking in on me was great, and they all kept me motivated to push through rough patches and the homesickness. However, because I was an out of state student not getting a chance to put names to faces was difficult and made it a challenge to build a relationship, and open up about personal problems with the new coaches that I was meeting. Schedule conflicts were always a problem as well, with basketball, school, and work I didn’t get very many chances to talk to any of the coaches I had throughout college. The only time I would talk to them was when they needed an update or information about grades.

Overall College Forward was a great program to be a part of, and I am grateful for all of the coaches that I had the privilege of working with and forever in debt to college forward as an organization because I don’t think that I would’ve had the motivation let alone the knowledge to apply to college.

I think that College Forward is going to prepare and equip me with the skills that I need to work with students. I hope to become a college and career counselor at a high school, and College Forward is helping me build those connections and relationships with administrators and students through the access program.

In the fall, I will be attending graduate school at Texas State University for their Student affairs in higher education program. I will also be working as the graduate assistant for the SLAC department, which is a tutoring center for Texas State students.

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