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AmeriCorps alumna continues to serve College Possible

Maddie Moore Photo

In 2012, Maddie Moore was first connected with College Possible as an AmeriCorps service member. A Creighton University graduate, Maddie learned about the value of service while she was attending college. She did a lot of volunteer work, went on several service trips, and knew she wanted to devote a year or two to service after graduation.

As an AmeriCorps member from 2012 to 2014, Maddie found her terms of service to be an invaluable experience. Her time with College Possible helped her make some important decisions regarding her personal and career development.

“I was kind of lost after graduating college. I wasn’t sure what path I’d want to take. I was thinking maybe counseling, maybe teaching, maybe graduate school,” she said.

Maddie said her two years of service allowed her to enhance her professional skill set through performing administrative tasks, supporting others, teaching, managing and planning her time and working in a nonprofit environment. Her experience as an AmeriCorps member really solidified Maddie’s career path. She is now the assistant director of student outreach for the Student Counseling Center for Creighton University and is a licensed mental health practitioner.

Looking back, Maddie said she has seen College Possible grow in the decade it has served the Omaha community. Not only is the organization assisting college students as well as serving more students in more schools, it also has a stronger network and has more support.

“I think College Possible is creating an Omaha community that is more educated, able to give back, mentor others, and get out of cycles of poverty. It’s creating ripples that aren’t always seen or talked about,” she said.

Since finishing her second term of service, Maddie has stayed connected to the organization. She has facilitated personal development courses for current AmeriCorps members that focus on well-being and self-care to prevent burn-out. In 2021, she joined Champions for College Possible as the secretary of the auxiliary board.

Maddie said she enjoys the way Champions keeps her plugged into the College Possible network. The group connects young professionals with College Possible who have shared values and care about education equity.

“I care a lot about the mission of College Possible, and the organization does a great job of taking that mission seriously. Not only is continuing to work with College Possible worth my time and energy, but it fills my cup up,” she said.

Doing a term of service was an invaluable experience for Maddie as a young adult. She highly recommends a year of service to anyone she meets. If you want to put your time, energy and money where your values are, Maddie said College Possible is the place to do so.

If you’d like to get involved with Champions for College Possible, please contact Allyson Triplett at

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