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A vision for the future: Faustine’s pursuit of success in college

Photo Of Faustine (left) And Her College Possible Coach Mackenzie (right).

This story was written by Mackenzie Bledsoe, Faustine’s college access coach and former AmeriCorps service member at College Possible Omaha.

College freshman Faustine joined College Possible during her junior year of high school after transferring to a new school. Always determined to go to college and eager to make new friends, Faustine saw College Possible as the perfect opportunity to achieve both goals. The program promised to help her forge new friendships and navigate her academic path, an enticing offer for a newcomer. Faustine’s sister, Veronica, a pre-engineering major and College Possible student at the University of Nebraska Lincoln (UNL), also endorsed the program, reinforcing Faustine’s decision.

During her senior year, College Possible was particularly beneficial for Faustine. As Faustine’s coach, I had regular meetings with her and she found the one-on-one sessions extremely helpful. Faustine was a smart and involved student. She was passionate about helping others. She worked hard in high school and that determination paid off when she won the Susan Thompson Buffett Scholarship, which covers the cost of attendance at Nebraska public colleges for up to five years.

Family first

Family is incredibly important to Faustine, and she is thrilled to be attending UNL alongside her sister Veronica. Their bond provides a sense of familiarity and support as Faustine embarks on her college journey. UNL’s proximity to home allows Faustine to visit her family regularly, maintaining those crucial connections while still experiencing college life.

Embracing options and aspirations

Faustine has a broad range of interests and views college as the gateway to the life she envisions. She is currently attending UNL on the pre-health track, aspiring to become a travel nurse. However, she remains open to other fields, considering a business degree if healthcare doesn’t turn out to be her ideal path. With interests in healthcare, business, and law, Faustine is committed to finding her true calling. For her, earning a degree is not just an academic milestone but a means to give back to her community and support those who have helped her. She also values the financial stability that a college education can provide.

As Faustine begins her college journey, her primary goals are to be happy and stay true to herself. She hopes to maintain her confidence and achieve financial stability to support her parents in the future. Surrounded by family at UNL and with the support of College Possible, Faustine is well-equipped to achieve her dreams.

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