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Road Trip Nation screening one step closer

See how community college is helping students across America identify their passions, set their own pace, and realize their full potential

For Melanie, Armand, and Becca, community college has given them a way to keep moving forward, even when obstacles like indecision and illness crossed their paths. But lately, they’re feeling stagnant—and in order to choose a new direction, they need to see all the places their next steps can take them.

Come along as they cross the country to talk to people whose stories have been shaped by community college, ultimately finding the confidence to press onward and upward—all with the support of a newfound community.

This interactive experience is intended to leave you with the confidence and practical know-how to continue pursuing careers based on your interests and define your own roads in life.

Click here to reserve your seat!

About Roadtrip Nation
“What should I do with my life?” For over 15 years, Roadtrip Nation has made it their mission to help individuals answer this question. Through a best-selling book, an acclaimed documentary series, and interactive classroom curriculum, Roadtrip Nation empowers people to turn what they like into careers they’ll love–and helps them navigate any obstacles encountered along the way. For more information, visit and

About Austin Community College
Austin Community College is a nationally recognized two-year college. ACC serves Central Texas as the primary gateway to higher education and technical training. ACC’s mission is to provide open door access to an affordable college education for those who want to earn a degree, learn a marketable skill, and advance their careers. For more information visit


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