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Scholar spotlight: Damiah Springer

Damiah Springer

Damiah Springer has always been determined to be her own boss, and soon after graduating fromDamiah Springer Milwaukee Lutheran High School, she began Springtime Consulting LLC. Today, she eagerly runs her own business while also balancing college life and schoolwork. She’s even on track to graduate early.

Although she’s a successful student and business owner, her journey has had obstacles. While in high school, she struggled with a lack of guidance on her path to college. Then she joined College Possible.

I was grateful that in my junior year College Possible came to our school and I was able to join their team,” she recalls. “Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to start searching for colleges and find where was best for me. I wouldn’t have had knowledge about FAFSA and loans and the support I needed to get there and stay in college. College Possible always gave me the feeling that they were in my corner.”

In her second year of college at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Damiah continues working hard, with plans to graduate in spring of 2023. She says graduating within three years was a goal she wanted to set, not just for herself but for her sisters. As her family’s first grandchild to graduate college, she keeps in mind that she’s doing this not only for herself, but also for her family. When asked what drives her persistence, she points to her mother’s example.

As a business owner herself, it was Damiah’s mother who inspired her ambition to be her own boss. After graduating high school, Damiah immediately began looking for her niche. Knowing her strength was in numbers and accounting, she was led to bookkeeping. From there her bookkeeping business, Springtime Consulting LLC, was born. Springtime Consulting handles financial management for businesses of all kinds and sizes, but primarily for real estate agents and contractors.

With no shortage of ambition, Damiah has already begun planning to enlarge her network, expand her current business, and begin a new one after she graduates next year.

“Damiah is a very future-focused and driven individual, and this is something you come to realize pretty soon after meeting her,” says Landon Remington, the college coach who helped support her this school year. “She sets ambitious goals for herself, then presses forward to meet them with meticulous consideration given to the prerequisites. As a coach, seeing Damiah’s motivation toward both earning her degree in three years and in developing as a business owner is quite inspiring!”

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