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Vice chair of Champions gives back

Mark Batt

Mark Batt is a deputy county attorney for Sarpy County. He also currently serves as the vice-chair for Champions for College Possible, an affiliate board made up of young professionals who are helping to support College Possible initiatives, increase awareness and visibility of College Possible in the community, and engage a younger constituency with the organization. Continue reading to learn more about Mark’s experience as a Champion and as a new donor to College Possible.

Originally from Utica, Nebraska, I attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln upon my graduating from high school. During my time as an undergrad at Nebraska-Lincoln, I was introduced to College Possible and all the amazing opportunities it gives to underserved students in the Omaha area. I’ve always been the type of person to watch the news and follow along with organizations that impress me, and I knew College Possible was an organization I wanted to keep in touch with.

When I first heard of College Possible, it meant a lot to me because I was on my own financially and educationally. I think the work they are doing is crucial — giving  students a mentor who helps them with the FAFSA, finding scholarships, applying for colleges and even managing a budget. If I had had College Possible in high school, I think it would have made things easier for me, and I am passionate about helping students get that support.

In college and law school, I didn’t have a lot of free time or money to give to organizations I cared about. However, after I passed the bar exam and began my role as a deputy attorney for Sarpy County, I wanted to use my time and money to support an organization in the community. College Possible checks a lot of my boxes for what an organization should be. So, I sent an email to College Possible to find out how I could get involved.

Since that first email, I have been impressed with the people of College Possible. I heard back from Arvin Frazier, the executive director and Allyson Triplett, the donor relations manager. After I described how I would like to get involved, they recommended the affiliate board group, Champions, to me.

I have served as the vice-chair for Champions for the last several months, and being a part of College Possible has been truly special to me. When people are looking to get involved or donate to a nonprofit organization, they often want to see where their time and treasure go. In my time with College Possible, I have seen the results. It can be hard to pin down where your donation goes, but with this organization, you know that your contribution supports local students in reaching that crucial next step in their life: obtaining a college degree.

If you are looking for a way to get involved with an organization that is doing good for the communities of Omaha, Nebraska, the United States, and beyond, College Possible is a great place to do that. You can see the work, time and effort they put into their mission. If you would like to help support College Possible students on Giving Tuesday, go to Or, if you would like to learn more about Champions for College Possible, contact Allyson Triplett at

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