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Education as inheritance: Kim fulfills her Harvard dream

Woman Sits Cross Legged In Jeans, Tennis Shoes And A Burgundy Harvard Sweatshirt On A Wooden Footbridge With Trees In The Background

The last time we heard from Kim (Gresham High School ’24) she was in her senior year of high school and in the midst of deciding which college to enroll in after she had applied to 14 institutions – including three ivy league schools. Today, Kim has just begun her freshman year at Harvard College.

Kim’s journey to Harvard was one of determination and resourcefulness, inspiration from her parents and a strong bond with Ella, her College Possible coach. She recently shared the story of her journey. An excerpt of that story follows:

I always knew I wanted to go to college. Growing up, my mom reassured me time and again: “Kimberly, your education is your inheritance. I may not be able to give you much else, but I can give you an education.” From this grew my unwavering passion and dedication to academia.

Being among the first in my family to pursue higher education though, I felt completely lost. I spent countless hours researching ways to make myself more competitive and prepared for the college process. I found myself needing a mentor to guide me through the journey. My older sister, Chelsy, participated in College Possible and found invaluable guidance from her coaches in navigating to and through college. I couldn’t wait to be a College Possible student myself.

I come from a family of immigrants who forged their own path every step of the way. I felt like there were few things I could do to be as brave as my parents. The one thing that felt remotely close to their bravery was making it to an institution like Harvard. My dream to attend Harvard persisted because of my exploration of STEM in high school and deep commitment to public service. This meant even more hours refining essays, completing applications and preparing for interviews.

My College Possible coach, Ella, helped me tremendously. She also attended a rigorous institution and shared my passion for academia. Ella showed me unwavering support and understanding that I had never experienced before. Our similarities drew us together so much that I ran to her every time I had an email from Harvard to open, and even clicked “Accept Admission” with her by my side. Thanks to College Possible and Ella, I was accepted to Harvard College to study computer science and economics, starting fall 2024. Additionally, I became the only 2024 Jack Kent Cooke College Scholar from Oregon.

As I look toward a future in computer science and finance, I feel certain that my time at Harvard will prepare me for anything life may throw at me.

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