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For Jennifer, having been a first-generation college student of color from an underserved population, College Possible’s mission really resonated with her. She doesn’t think she would have been able to attend college without the help of her older sister, who was like her personal college access coach, so she feels like she’s giving back by helping other students get the resources and support they need. Before joining College Possible, Jennifer was searching for a new position that was more closely aligned with her interests and background. Her sister (again) helped her and led her to the AmeriCorps Recruitment Manager position.

When asked what she is looking forward to adding to the College Possible Washington team, Jennifer commented that she would like to believe she brings positive energy and enthusiasm! She also has knowledge and experience in recruitment and engagement, so she will be able to apply her skills to her role to accomplish our goals. However, Jennifer knows there is always more to learn, and she’s looking forward to seeing how she can best support others, be as successful as possible within her own role, and grow both professionally and personally.

Outside of work, Jennifer spends her time playing games (video, board, tabletop, etc.), doing archery (recurve), and watching TV/movies/birds.

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